Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Smell the Glove!

So I found out Monday that I'm on the company softball team. Problem being...the only glove I own broke a couple of years ago.

So I rolled out to Dick's Sporting Goods and bought myself a nice softball glove -- something that should last me at least a decade of weekend warrior stints out on the mall.

Something I hadn't done in decades was break a glove in...luckily, like riding a bike, once you learn you never forget. I remember getting my first glove with my father, oiling it up, stuffing a ball in it, and wrapping it tightly. I remember my father telling me that I'd have to wait at least a week for the oil to work its magic before I could use it. The torture of the delayed gratification is probably something analogous to telling a released prisoner to go to a whorehouse and take his time.

Oddly enough, I remember my father telling me that I had to store the glove under my bed -- probably his little psychological ploy to keep it out of sight and out of mind. Didn't work. Like picking at a scab, I'd open that thing up every night and marvel at the metamorphisis taking place.

I think I'll have more restraint this time -- I don't even need to keep it under the bed.


Unknown said...

Why did the lesbian go to Modell's for all her sporting goods needs? Because she doesn't like Dick's.

Brian said...

How much more black could this be? and the answer is none. None...more black