Sunday, June 29, 2008

Furr Burger

NPH...does not disappoint...

Sunday Stone-a-thon

So -- I just finished watching "How High" starring Method Man and Redman...this is an underrated cinematic achievement. Aside from being a couple of brothas who happen to get into Harvard (an homage to "Soul Man" in a reverse they're-not-white-kind-of-way), they manage to insert into the plot line that they need to smoke the remains of John Quincy Adams in order to pass their finals...quite the plot twist...and, may I say, a stroke of cinematic genius.

So, I decided to google "Smoking John Quincy Adams" and I got this quote which JQA stated after he quit smoking butts:

'I have often wished that every individual afflicted with this artificial passion could force it upon himself to try but for three months the experiment which I made, sure that it would turn every acre of tobacco land into a wheat field, and add five years to the average of human life'.

God speed the other members of the Wu Tang Clan who can provide me more "The More You Know" moments. If only Ol' Dirty Bastard had heeded such wisdom.

Up next: Harold and Kumar go to White Castle...hopefully Neil Patrick Harris has something insightful to say.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Night at Nationals Park...

I went to the Angels v. Nationals game with Rob tonight and we had a great time. It helped that we had perfect weather, and the Angels kicked ass.

However, I was forced to confront myself. I made a conscious (or even conscientious), sober decision to not hit-on/flirt-with the 23 year old law student who was sitting in front of us. Unconscious and/or unsober, this story would have a different ending I'm sure. 23 years feels like yesterday, but it was a lifetime ago (or at least a third of a lifetime).

Was it Wisdom? Experience? Foresight? or a huge Lapse in judgment? -- no clue -- I suppose Siobhan will have to weigh in on this thing.

Maybe in 30 years I'll have the wisdom, experience, and foresight to make a different decision. Hey, it worked for Tony Randall...but then again, he's dead.

What is Wrong with People?

I just gave a raise to someone at work, whose reaction was basically, "Thanks for nothin'." -- except it could've been a raise for nothin'

I think I'll have to get this person a T-shirt.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Back in the Doghouse

Internet re-activated!

I'm sure me talking to the nice kid in India at 3am last night appreciates that I spent the prior 7 hours with The D and Young K cruisin' H Street.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Un-Funday

So I've opted after another endorphin tingling Saturday-it-don't-matter-Day to not play along with Sunday Funday.

My internet broke...'cause some asshat didn't pay the bill...

My bedroom flooded yesterday with that biblical style monsoon that rolled through here for 10 minutes -- water just gushed down through my ceiling light fixture...and I have a ceiling fan -- so it was extra fun that the water got sprinkled evenly across the entire room.

So that leaves me at a Starbucks in a mall on Sunday afternoon catching up on my e-stuff...

Unfortunately, the highlight of my day was eavesdropping on 2 elderly women discussing the virtues of owning a Jockey made brazziere.