Monday, August 18, 2008

Water Drinks Michael Phelps

America's newest Superhero, Michael Phelps, has officially arrived! He has his own fun facts page (only rivaled by the omnipotent Chuck Norris). Enjoy!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

10 Movies to see before you die

As a follow up to the 10 books you need to read before you die, a survey was done on the 10 movies you need to see before you die. It seems they've broken them out by genre.

Drama: The Godfather. One of my absolute favorite movies, ever.

Romance: Titanic. This movie was actually surprisingly good. As a general rule I do not like period pieces, because I know how they end (SPOILER: The boat sinks)...but I found the love story in Titanic compelling.

Classic: Gone With the Wind. This is high on my favorite reads list, and thus makes it very low on my favorite movie list.

Action: Batman Returns. I'm not sure I agree with this one. But I do enjoy this movie.

Sci-Fi: Star Wars. Another of my all time faves. Although, I think the Empire Strikes Back would get the nod in my book.

Horror: The Sixth Sense. This is an awful choice for must-see horror movie of all time. Insert the Omen or the Exorcist and I'd be happier. The reason I hated the Sixth Sense so much? Because I figured it out in 15 minutes. "I see dead Bruce Willises"

Teen: The Breakfast Club. Hard to argue with this choice. Who doesn't love the Breakfast Club.

Musical: Moulin Rouge. I hate musicals. Period. With a gun to my head, I would put West Side Story light years ahead of Moulin Rouge.

Comedy: The Naked Gun. Although I did like the Naked Gun, there are so many better comedies to put ahead of it. Wayne's World, Austin Powers, Old School, Swingers, Office Space...I could go on.

Foreign: Amelie. I enjoyed this movie. I can't say that I've seen a lot of foreign flicks, but I think I would put Life is Beautiful and Enter the Dragon above this one.

So where do you weigh in on these choices? DJ Skittles: I'm looking your way!

Death Pool

They say celebrities always go in threes...

This weekend we've sadly lost Bernie Mac:

Then we sadly lost Isaac Hayes:

Who will be #3?

I'm putting my money on Muhammed Ali

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Hail to the Redskins!

No. I'm not a 'skins fan. Well, not directly.

I do like when the 'skins are on TV though, that is the optimal time to get anything done around this overcrowded town. Tonight, I went to the market to get my victuals...and I was expecting to have to fight for parking, as I always do. Instead I found something similar to this:

I came home a few minutes later to find that the Redskins were on TV. Coincidence? I think not.

PS: It is also very advantageous to golf during 'skins games