Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday Un-Funday

So I've opted after another endorphin tingling Saturday-it-don't-matter-Day to not play along with Sunday Funday.

My internet broke...'cause some asshat didn't pay the bill...

My bedroom flooded yesterday with that biblical style monsoon that rolled through here for 10 minutes -- water just gushed down through my ceiling light fixture...and I have a ceiling fan -- so it was extra fun that the water got sprinkled evenly across the entire room.

So that leaves me at a Starbucks in a mall on Sunday afternoon catching up on my e-stuff...

Unfortunately, the highlight of my day was eavesdropping on 2 elderly women discussing the virtues of owning a Jockey made brazziere.

1 comment:

Vespa Jay said...

Sunday Funday missed you.

Where did you find that picture of RJ in drag?