Friday, April 11, 2008

Cruising into Athens

Traffic was murder -- as bad as I've seen in any city -- but add into that mix anxious, aggressive drivers, and 10 million mopeds and motorcycles, all whos' owners have death wishes. These people do zero degree turns to weave laterally through standstill traffic when there is that rare moment they have less than 6 inches of clearance to squeeze between cars.

My driver drops me in MONASTIRAKI -- the heart of Ancient Athens.

When I got out, I was admittedly out of sorts. I could not find my position on a map and was clutching to my bag so tightly (like a little old lady), so it didn't get snatched.

I imagined something similar to the scene in Full Metal Jacket would be the final goodbye between my valuables and me, and the perp would weave his way on a moped between people, and traffic, making recovery impossible.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love that movie, it's like 2 movies in one!