Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Getting Home

I make my way back to the airport and get there one and a half hours before my flight. It takes me a full hour to get from the Metro station to my locker to the terminal and to the gate. I got there with barely enough time to use the restroom before we boarded.

The flight was long (8 hours) but not too bad.

I'm happy to be home.


BoSox Siobhan said...

Welcome back to the States; I'll see you in a few weeks. Enjoyed your adventures in Greece and in blogland.

Vergie Bridges said...

Did you bring us back one of those sweet looking jamons? I could shur use me a jamon and cheeses sangwich.

BigTDog said...

Oh Vergie...I had enough trouble smuggling the Absinthe back through customs for us to enjoy!

Anonymous said...

did you really get absinthe?

BigTDog said...

BKDM: Yes I did bring some Absinthe. I was told to declare it by the sales person in Athens. So I did. And when asked about it at customs, I declared. He told me that they'd have to look at the bottle because most forms of Absinthe are not permitted. At the next station, I declared "I have a bottle of Absinthe" and the guy looked at me and said "That's it? You aren't supposed to have that -- but go ahead, this time" I don't know if he gave that look for the other guard stupidly stopping me or for me stupidly declaring Absinthe.