Friday, April 11, 2008

It's a Small World Afterall

I finish writing my postcards home and head back to the rendevous point to find my chariot. I've got about 15 minutes to spare. While buying a soda from a street vendor -- Hey! A familiar face!

I give a knowing hello and she gives me a dismissive "Hi" -- then she says "You're staying in the same hotel as me, aren't you?"
"Yes, I sat at the table next to you at breakfast yesterday"
"You're Andrea's brother, aren't you?"

So we sit and chat for about half-an-hour. She works in London for the company that sponsored Andrea's business conference. I see my trolley train coming and she has to get back to catch her plane. Apparently the trolley didn't want to wait for me, or anyone.

But, I didn't mind. I finally knew where I was on the map and didn't feel so alone anymore.

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