Wednesday, April 9, 2008

What is Belgium?

Right now we're flying over the still snow capped Alps. (pretty cool)

So I made it to Brussels. Quickly and accidentally, I fount a way out of the terminal without having to go through customs. Found out that I had to have my Passport stamped (even though I was not entering Belgium) then go through security again. I was pretty ticked as I had a bottle of Bombay Sapphire confiscated @ security. I had bought it duty free on the plane for only $21. What a steal! and then I got GIN JACKED!

I'll have to let American Airlines know they shouldn't be selling liquids to passengers connecting in Belgium.

The seats on the Belgium Air plane are pretty tiny. Luckily, I have a whole row to myself or I would have to order some Tabasco to flavor the kneecaps I'd surely be eating.

I actually looked up Belgium on the map, because I never think about Belgium for anything.
Everyone speaks French, but all the advertising and signage is in English. It borders France and Germany and is right across the channel from England. But what is it known for? It's not like you hear much about Belgian hockey players and I don't remember Belgium being a key player in SALT talks, NATO or WWII.

I think Belgium is like Europe's Canada -- French/English; non-offensive people/history; absolutely irrelevant to the rest of the world. It's gotta stand for something, right?

Wood shoes? No, that's the Netherlands
Fine Autos? No, that's Germany
Tulips? The Dutch Again
Army knives? Clocks? Chocolates? Swiss. Swiss. Swiss.

So with Brussels, Belgium, I suppose you only get Sprouts and Waffles. (and now GIN JACKINGS)

(less than 2 hours to Athens)

PS: Oh yeah. I just got JACKED again by the Belgians. 1Euro for a .15L soda. Just to convert that for all y'all 'mericans -- that's like $1.80 for 5 oz of soda.

Still on Brussels time.


G & B said...

Brussels may be one of the coolest cities I've been to.

Belgium was pretty much Nazi territory in WWII. However, it is known for:

1) White beer.

2) Mussells.

Vespa Jay said...

Gin Jacked? WHAT? How dare they?

Anonymous said...

Your omission of 5'8" of kickboxing fury in the "what's Brussels known for" category is alarming.

Your failure to recognize the king was surely the reason you were jacked, fool.