Thursday, April 10, 2008

Day 1, Part 2

So Andrea went to some business dinner and I was left by myself to explore. 1st Stop: The Hotel Bar. In my experiences, the bar tender is always the first one to steer you the right way. And Steffano, albehim a very nice guy and a very good barkeep was no the font of info I sought.

He did however, let me know that I wasn't going to find much around these parts, except another hotel bar. So I stayed and had a few more on the house -- I think I made him laugh more than he made me laugh -- to no avail (it was still expensive) once the exchangerate is figured into the calculation.

He did however continue one of my favorite Greek stereotypes -- which started with my Greek barber, continued with My Big Fat Greek Weddingand now has been bolstered and confirmed by Steffano. These people love etymology. He was explaining that he was from Seteanos and that SETE meant SEVEN and ANOS meant ISLAND so he was from the land of Seven Islands. [ed note: I don't remember if it was Seteanos, but since I don't speak Greek, it's good enough for this story]

Met up with Andrea later on. I was introduced to one of her British colleagues and I ended up drinking with him another hour. Little did I know that Andrea was trying to summon me up to the room to not arouse awareness of my presence in a company paid room. I wish she let me know this was an issue in her mind. Now I feel like an idiot.

In any case, I had a good first day and night. I look forward to more that Greece has to offer.

1 comment:

G & B said...

Dude, love the blog! I like totally forgot you were in Greece. No wonder you're not returning my calls!!